SpeeDee SetUp


Contact SpeeDee to obtain the following Shipper Account Information:


Web Service URL:

Customer specific IP address assigned to the shipper by SpeeDee.  It is the IP address for the FTP site where your electronic EOD Manifest is uploaded to SpeeDee.


Account Number:

Customer specific account number assigned to shipper by SpeeDee.  Enter as 6 digits [e.g. ‘3457’ entered as ‘003457]



Assigned to shipper by SpeeDee.


IDAutomation Font:

You will need the C128XL Font from IDAutomation.


Rate and Zone Tables:

1.       Go to the SpeeDee website (http://www.speedeedelivery.com/rates.html) to obtain zone and rate files. Rate/Zone Chart files are published by SpeeDee annually and go into effect January 1 of each year. Rate files are the same for all origin postal codes in the SpeeDee delivery service area.


Select the link to the Rate/Zone Charts under ‘Download Rates’ and download to a folder on the server.  This may take a few minutes.


2.       Once saved, unzip the file.  The following 3 files will be used below for the installation process.


a.  Sort Codes YYYY.csv – (YYYY is the year you are down loading information for) Identifies delivery routes.  Sort Code files are published by SpeeDee annually and go into effect January 1. Sort Code file is the same regardless of origin postal codes in the SpeeDee delivery service area. This is typically in the Other Documentation folder.


b.  YYYY Rates.csv (or current year rates). These records will store the per lb. package rate for each SpeeDee zone based on origin postal code and will be used by the Rating Engine to calculate the per package freight. This is typically in the 2017 Rates folder.


c.  SPYYY.csv – You will need to select the file with the beginning of the ship from zip code. This is typically in the Zones folder.


Data Packager Import:

1.  Login to Epicor Manifest and navigate to the Reports/Tools | Data Packager Import.


2.  Select the following packages:


Application Dictionary





3.  Click Process


4.  After success of the import, close the Data Packager Import screen.


Carrier Setup:


1.  Navigate to the Carriers screen where SPEEDEE is now listed as a carrier.


2.  Highlight SPEEDEE in the grid.


3.  On the General Tab, enter the IP address, obtained from SpeeDee, in the Web Service URL field. See the Prerequisites: Account Information section above.


4.  On the Facilities tab, add a new facility with the following information:

a.  Facility: Select Facility


b.  Account #: Enter the account number, obtained from SpeeDee, as 6 digits [e.g. ‘3457’ entered as ‘003457]. See the Prerequisites: Account Information section above.


c.  Default Rate Basis: Daily


d.  Password: Enter the password assigned to shipper by SpeeDee


e.  NOTE: There is NO Login entered



5.  On the Facilities | Services Sub-Tab, setup the Fuel Surcharge by adding a rate adjustment % to the SPEEDEE service as follows:


The surcharge rates are published on the http://www.speedeedelivery.com/rates.html website under Fuel Surcharge.


The SpeeDee fuel surcharge adjustment must be maintained by the shipper as this charge is subject to change at the discretion of SpeeDee.


6.  On the Facilities | Zone Sub-Tab, import the zone file obtained from the SpeeDee website. See the Prerequisites: Rate and Zone Files section above.


Using the sort code file from the SpeeDee download, import the Sort Codes YYYY.csv 

a.  Choose Format: SpeeDee Sort Codes

b.  Browse to the file location where Sort Codes YYYY.csv is located

c.  Click Import Rates



7.  On the Service tab, select the service SPEEDEE




8.  On the Service | Rates Sub-Tab, import the SpeeDee Zones and Rates files

a.  Click on the Import icon


b.  SpeeDee Zones should be imported first

i.  Choose the Format SpeeDee Zones

ii.  Browse to the file location where SPYYY.csv is located (use the appropriate     file based on beginning numbers of the shippers Zip Code)

iii.  Click Import Rates


c.  After successfully importing the SpeeDee Zones, import the SpeeDee Rates

i.  Choose the Format SpeeDee Rates

ii.   Browse to the file location where 2017 Rates.csv (or current year) is located

iii.  Click Import Rates




9.  On the Documents tab, add the SpeeDeeLabel.rpt and SpeeDeeManifest.rpt.  The printers for these documents will be setup on the Workstations | Documents tab.


The SpeeDeeLabel will be a document type of Carrier Label

The SpeeDeeManifest will be a document type of Manifest Reports



10.  Navigate to the Ship Codes screen and setup a ship code mapped to Carrier SPEEDEE and Service SPEEDEE



Application Settings:


The fees for additional SpeeDee options such as COD, AOD, Declared Value, etc, are maintained with Application Settings under the group ‘SpeeDee’.



If you use any of these additional options, configure the additional fees in Application Settings maintenance. SpeeDee typically changes these fees on an annual basis and they will need to be updated in Epicor Manifest at that time.

a.  Go to Application Setting screen

b.  Add a new record using the top right tool bar

c.  Choose Group SpeeDee

d.  Choose the name of the appropriate application setting

e.  In the Number field, enter the rate obtained from SpeeDee for that additional option


See application settings page for more information on setting up application settings.