NOTE: The screens depicted in these Help files reflect Quick Ship Version 5.4.0.XXXX and E10 Version 10.2.700.5. Earlier Versions may not have the same screens.
The objective of 'Blind Shipping' is to allow Shippers to ship to their Customer's(SoldTo) Client (ShipTo) using the Customer's (SoldTo) Return/Ship From address information.
The Customers (SoldTo) Return/Ship From address information is pulled from the SoldTo Customer information. In the below example the SoldTo information for this shipment will be the From address on the label and the Shipto information will be used for the destination address.
The following procedure lists the steps involved in using Blind Shipping within Quick Ship.
Verify the Application Setting has been setup to use Blind Shipping.
If using blind shipping,this option determines whether to replace the ENTIRE(Full) Return/Ship From address with the Customer's SoldTo address or just the NAME ONLY of the SoldTo customer.
Identify the Customer (SoldTo) 'Ship From' record information in Quick Shop you wish to have print on the parcel label.
Process the shipment as usual.
Below are examples of shipments with the customer checked as a Blind Ship As This Address and the same shipment with the option not checked.